Political Junior High Dance
I know that this is a tired joke, but sometimes comparisons to middle school dances are appropriate in many cases of adult life. You know the drill... the girls stand on one side of the room and the boys stand on the other side of the room... and yes, nobody dances. The girls do what girls do, and the boys do what boys do (which usually involves simulating bodily noises with our armpits... of course that was junior high ;)... at least that's what I'm letting any girls reading this know :) hahaha) You know, the world would have been much better if (and when) the boys and girls actually met at the middle of the room and... danced. Funny thing. Somehow, as I've watched the view from "my side of the room" in this political season, I feel like the way our country's debate is going is about the same craziness. Conservatives sit on one side of the room, with their pet issues... bickering when they don't get their way (unlimited drilling of oil on our country...