Life's Too Short

Going into Caribou Coffee the other day, I noticed that they had some really cool new napkins that looked like the "back of the napkin" writing that you'd do if you were noodling some ideas over a coffee.  It was really neat. One of them said:  "Life's Too Short For" and then lists a few things on their list.  I have a list too, because life is too short for:

- Worrying about stuff
- Letting past failures rule your life
- Complaining
- Living not knowing that you're where God meant you to be
- Bad Mexican food
- Not living in community with peeps you enjoy spending time with
- Image management
- Withholding love from others
- Staying inside on really fantastic days
- Waiting to pursue your dreams
- Procrastinating on living out God's potential for your life
- Bad movies

I'm sure there are more.  Feel free to comment.


Mike Tiemann said…
Nice, Chris! But what about movies that are so bad they're good?

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