Praying for Kenya

I am 15 days away from hopping on a plane to serve in Kenya.  I am both excited, nervous, and expectant all at the same time.

Excited:  I have never been to Africa before.  It's an entirely new culture, an entirely new environment, and as my shot record will show an entirely new set of germs.  I love newness.

Nervous:  One of my biggest prayer requests I shared during my support/dinner party a few weeks ago was that God would "prepare me to be unprepared" for what I would experience.  It's been a long time since I will have "tasted" poverty like I'm expecting to see in Ngaamba.  And honestly, I don't even think the trips I've had to Piedras Negras with the Aggie BSM in college (Piedras is on the Texas border) will even prepare me emotionally for the conditions I'll see there.  I pray that God will break my heart, that He will stir me, and that I'll never be the same after this trip.

Expectant:  Maybe this has something to do with "excited."  But I do have the sense that God is going to do something huge through our group.  We have experienced too much spiritual warfare as a team to believe anything less (I don't think the devil is out to distract and blow up marginal trips).  In that light, I would like to be there, be available, and to let God do his thing.

I am blessed to have so many great peeps supporting me and praying for me.  I can't wait to tell them what they are a part of.  Only 15 more days ;-)


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