C-Dub's New Rules of Love, Sex, and Dating

Andy is doing a new series at Buckhead Church (either live or on HD), about (as if we need to be made fun of any more for being relationship-obsessed :-) - Ha!) "The New Rules of Love, Sex, and Dating."  It should be an interesting series, not because I haven't heard a thousand talks about relationships (that's what it feels like) but because Andy did some field research on The Bert Show a few weeks ago.  The Bert Show is a very popular morning radio talk show for Q100 in Atlanta that focuses on pop culture news and gossip; and is not a Christian program.  I'm interested to learn how he's going to use that "call in and talk to Andy" session he did a few weeks ago.

So, I posted the link to the series on my Facebook page earlier today and have gotten a few comments about it; including a comment from one friend of mine that asked that I give her the "cliff notes" on what Andy's new rules are.  That got me to thinking, given all that I've read and my own dating experiences in the 21st Century that maybe I should post my own "new rules" and see if any of them match up with Andy's (or yours... feel free to comment).

So I give you, Chris's "New" Top Ten Rules of Dating (in the 21st Century)

  1. Keep everything discreet.  The less drama you post to Facebook, the more you can get to know your girlfriend (guys) in real life.  That includes making your relationship, no matter how "in" you are, "Facebook Official" (or FBO for short)
  2. I know we have tweets, Facebook, email, etc... .but I still like getting a girl's number and asking her out over the phone or in person.  Personal is still better... I feel that electronic communication, as great as it is, can cheapen relationships, especially one that could potentially be significant.
  3. Guys:  Always offer to pay when you are on a date.  Girls appreciate it, even if they insist on splitting the check.  It makes her feel cherished and valued, and at the end of the day isn't that how you want her to feel? :-) 
  4. Start out casual and get to know.  Don't rush on getting into an intimate relationship & trust God for the romantic.  A solid friendship is the bedrock of any great relationship and needs some TLC before you go too far down the romantic path
  5. But guys, on #4, let her know that you're interested even when you're taking it slow.  If a girl wants you to pursue her, you need to give her a clue that you're pursuing her and not "just hanging out" even if you are in that season hanging out.   
  6. And on #4, let your level of physical intimacy match your commitment level.  If you're casually dating and getting to know some other people; DON'T hold her hand, kiss her, drop the "L" word, etc.  Those things communicate exclusivity, so unless you're ready to commit back off the PDA and the romantic language :-)
  7. My personal rule:  If you had fun on the first date, ask for a second.  Sometimes chemistry takes a little time to develop, and dating should be fun... so if you had fun why not hang with her again?  
  8. Treat your relationship with the long term in mind.  Here are some questions I ask myself:
    1. If she is not "the one," how would my future wife want for me to be interacting with her at this time? (this can be a pretty convicting question to ask, even if she IS the one)
    2. How can I invest in this date to enable me to relate to my future wife better?
    3. How can I invest in her to enable her to relate to her future husband better, whether it is me or not?
    4. Is our friendship and relationship with Christ closer because of this experience?
    5. Is she better off for having spent time with me?
  9. Have fun and do things on dates that you enjoy.  You'll be more attractive, interesting, and engaging if you're enjoying the experience.
  10. Involve your community and trust your friends' advice... this isn't new, but involve your head and your heart in your romantic life.  Sometimes, friends can help with the "head" part when the heart is taking over :-)
Any other rules you'd add?  

I can't wait to hear Andy's.   Bring it on.


LIZ said…
Great Stuff...especially #8! I wish more people played by #8. Thanks for sharing!!

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