Familiar and Safe
In my time with God this morning, I ran into a familiar story that we've all heard. In fact, I thought about "familiarity" a lot when I was noodling it, http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=john%2021:1-14&version=NIV Which produced a, somewhat unfamiliar, epiphany. Jesus had just been crucified, and had risen from the dead but the disciples by and large did not accept this fact at the time. Peter and John had been to the tomb and saw it empty, but Peter didn't believe yet that Jesus rose from the dead. Peter, probably in trying to figure things out, likely out of the shame of having disowned Jesus, and possibly out of disillusionment - decided to go back to the thing he knew... He went fishing. He had a fishing business before meeting Jesus. It was familiar. And then, Peter hears this guy on the shore. Guy on shore: "Caught anything yet?" (my translation into "Southern") Guys on boat: "No" ...