
A month ago, almost to this day, I had my thyroid removed.  My doctor found an unusual cyst in my thyroid during a physical and in a two month investigation process specialists advised me to have it taken out - since a biopsy could not determine whether the cells were cancerous or not (they were not!  Praise God!)  People that have rubbed shoulders with me know my story, and while I appreciate the advice to tell people a "I got mugged in a dark alley" story, it would just get debunked soon, so I'll continue telling the truth.

The first five days after I had the surgery were pretty bad.  I slept all the time, I was moody, and I had some really bad heartburn.  And then things normalized somewhat... I'm out and about, I'm back at work and doing the same things I did before the surgery, and I'm getting started training for the Country Music 1/2 Marathon in April.  However, the initial dose of levoxil (the thyorid hormone replacement drug I use) is not adequate... and as a result I'm not really quite running at 100% yet... I'm pretty tired all the time and I feel 60 because I want to go to sleep at 8:30 in the evening.  I'm going to get my levels tested on Monday and get closer to normal.

The one part about having no thyroid anymore is that now I am totally dependent on this medicine to live.  I have developed a routine now where an alarm wakes me up at 4am, I take the pill, go back to sleep, and wait for my real alarm to hit.  Missing doses is not an option.  It's amazing what this little gland does for you (and actually that modern medicine has figured out how to replicate it if the thyroid decides to mutiny).  But what I've been acutely aware of is my dependency now... and it's translated into the one dependency that I am oftentimes unaware of in my busyness but is even more critical than my dependency on a pill to regulate my metabolic functions.

It's my dependence on Jesus Christ.

I've been told that the shelf life of thyroid hormone in the body is about 2 weeks... miss a dose of levoxil or synthroid (or whatever you're on), and the symptoms will not be immediate, but be off for a long period of time and it will be very detrimental.  I have definitely found this true of my relationship with Christ and spending time in the Bible... when I get off track and don't pursue intimacy with Him, I get judgmental, I get moody, I get depressed, I don't love people well, and honestly I just act in stupid self-motivated ways that ultimately will hurt me.

The thyorid drugs for me have been a good illustration... I need God more than a thyroid or a pill.  I need Him more than the air I breathe or the embrace of loved ones.  I need Him.  Oh yes, I need Him.

And if you don't think you do; I dare you to let Him into the throne of your life for just a month.  Surrender your life to him and let Him do what He does to a life fully surrendered to Him... and then back off and go back to doing your own thing.

And then see what happens.  You will realize what you're missing.

You'll realize what you've been missing all along.

Will you try it?  I dare you.  What do you have to lose?  Seriously.

You have everything to gain.


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