The Hundred Year Plan
Over the past week, I've had a couple of thoughts running through my head. It started when I was at this Bible study and worship service at Buckhead Church with my mentor group, worshipping God with a couple thousand other singles, and thinking.... "This is something I'd better get used to." So as a result, I've noodled over Revelation 4 and 5 for the past week in my quiet times, thinking about my hundred year plan. What is going to matter to me in a hundred years? And I know that there are other things eternally significant, but these two jumped out. 1.) God is a really big deal. Jesus is a really big deal... and we will spend a lot of time relishing in that fact. I'm pretty down with that, but it goes beyond Sundays with great bands that lead well. I want my life to resonate with worship toward my creator; because He's worthy of it, not because it's the anthem of Heaven that I'll be singing in 100 years. ... and this one got me thi...