The Hundred Year Plan

Over the past week, I've had a couple of thoughts running through my head.  It started when I was at this Bible study and worship service at Buckhead Church with my mentor group, worshipping God with a couple thousand other singles, and thinking....

"This is something I'd better get used to."

So as a result, I've noodled over Revelation 4 and 5 for the past week in my quiet times, thinking about my hundred year plan.  What is going to matter to me in a hundred years?  And I know that there are other things eternally significant, but these two jumped out.

1.) God is a really big deal.  Jesus is a really big deal... and we will spend a lot of time relishing in that fact.

I'm pretty down with that, but it goes beyond Sundays with great bands that lead well.  I want my life to resonate with worship toward my creator; because He's worthy of it, not because it's the anthem of Heaven that I'll be singing in 100 years.

... and this one got me this morning:

2.) "Every one of them (the 24 elders) had a harp and they were holding golden bowls of incense, which are the prayers of God's people." (Rev 5:8)

My prayers are being collected in incense bowls to anoint the throne room of God?  This is a pretty huge thought, and it made me think about how I'm praying.  Are my prayers the type of prayers that would smell good before the King, or are they just about me.  This has really made me ponder how I approach God in prayer and it's been great.  I want to pray in such a way that it smells good when they reach God's nostrils.

Good stuff.  Happy Monday :-)


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