Ways you know you're on the Whole30 - CDub Version

It's Day 16, otherwise known to me as "Whole30 HUMP DAY - WOOT WOOT!"  Can you tell I'm excited?  14 days till I can start eating fake food again... oh wait, maybe it isn't all that great ;-)

To tell you the truth, the whole thing has been a great experience so far.  I get bored with my food, yes.  I get massive cravings.  But... I feel great and my energy levels are good.

A few days ago, a friend in my Whole30 support group posted this blog article to our group page (by the way, I don't recommend anyone doing this without some moral support).  It's pretty funny (http://whole30.com/2012/09/doing-the-whole30-when/).  However, I think this list is somewhat incomplete and I feel somewhat compelled to add a few based on my experience.  I'll put it in here as a points system... tell me how many points you have, if in fact you are doing Whole30 (and have been on the program for at least a few weeks)

+1 point:  You feel your clothes getting looser (finally) and you have an excessive urge to get on a scale but reluctantly refuse to because that would be cheating.

+2 point:  You work in an office and you smell food (either real or imagined) emanating from some corner of your floor and you immediately get cravings for it.

+3 points:  Your coworker comes in for lunch carrying a Five Guys burger and fries which perfumes up your work space.
  • Add an additional 2 points if you want to punch him
  • Subtract 4 points if you actually do it... Don't worry, I didn't... and it wasn't Five Guys, it was Farm Burger (much more delicious), but you get the point :-) 
+2 points:  You have to return something you originally thought was compliant because you re-looked at the ingredients and found a form of sugar in the list

+2 points:  You look at food pictures with bacon on your Whole30 group and think "They must be cheating" because you've gone 10 times to all kinds of grocery stores looking for sugar-free bacon and have gone away disappointed every time.

+2 points:  Your goal for going out to eat is to order and not be a jerk

+1 point:  For every time you carry a Larabar or RxBar with you to make sure you don't cheat if you're on the go, or traveling to an environment where you're not sure how compliant the food will be.

+1 point:  Every time you look at recipes that women that cook a lot post to the Facebook site and frustratingly sigh because you think you don't have time to cook that much., 

+2 point:  You frequent restaurants now because you know that they have compliant menu items, and try to steer your friends toward these places. 

+1 point (max 10) for every time a well-meaning friend tells you "but you aren't fat!" when you tell them you are doing Whole30. 

+1 point for every time that a friend reminds you (with glee) of how many days you have left before you can eat "real food"

+2 points:  if you bought some paleo convenience food off Amazon and realized how terrible it tastes.

+1 point for every time you crave pizza, Mexican food, chinese food, wine, beer... whatever you're weakness is... at random odd times of the day.

+5 points:  You have your Day 31 meal planned
  • +2 points if it's a full on feast at Chuy's.
  • +5 points if you feel like death the next day
  • +10 points if you throw up during the meal :-) 
  • +20 points - if this was really a Day 19 dream
+10 points:  You get upgraded to first class on a flight and you get sympathy from the entire section when you tell the flight attendant that you can't order drinks

What are some of yours?  I'd love to hear them.  


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