Desperation / Yearning

Today, I was in Mark 5 through my reading through the gospels.  Something struck me today and I wanted to share with you, my small blog audience.

What struck me was the desperation (my word) of the people that were approaching Jesus.  For example:

The demoniac in Gerasene met him immediately when Jesus got out of the boat, and was so tortured by the demons possessing him that people could hear him crying out loud and he would cut himself constantly with stones.  This is not in the text, but I wonder if that man, tortured as he was, fought his oppressors with every ounce of energy that was still his to meet the one who could free him from that hoard.  The legion of demons, on the other hand, were desperate not to get tortured when faced with the Son of God.  As a result, a bunch of pigs went hog wild (literally) and barreled off a cliff into the sea.  (Mark 5:1-13)

The people from the town, when they obviously saw their bacon sales falling, went out to check out the scene and were frightened when they saw the crazy guy in the tombs clothed and in his right mind.  Get this, they were more afraid of Jesus when they saw this guy healed than they were scared of the crazy guy in the tombs.  As a result, they were desperate to get Jesus to leave.  (Mark 5:14-18)

And as Jesus obliges them and heads back into the boat, the former host to "legion" who has now been given freedom from the only one who can give freedom, begs Jesus to let him come along.  I don't blame him, I don't know how a man could manage to get possessed by at least two-thousand demons (if you count the number of pigs) but if I was like him and just got freed from that horror, I'd want to not let Jesus out of my sight either.  However, Jesus told him to go to his home town and tell them about what Jesus did for him (this may be the first time He told someone to "go tell" and not "shhhh... keep this on the DL"). (Mark 5:18-20)

Jarius, a synagogue ruler (which means, he likely needed to keep appearances in the community), fell at Jesus' feet and entreated Him earnestly to come and heal his daughter.  No time for image management here, Jarius knew that Jesus was his only hope of getting his daughter well and he also came in desperation to the one who could make her well.  (Mark 5:21-24).  Jesus then is following Jarius to his house, a house that would soon be mourning the girl's death.  But then...

A seemingly random woman with a hemorrhage, who has been to every doctor she can find and I'm sure tried every single treatment they've prescribed with no result (in fact, it just got worse).  The medicine of her day just wasn't working and she was desperate.  She hears that Jesus is in town, and was willing to fight through a thick crowd of people just to get up and touch Jesus clothes.  She had that much faith that Jesus would make her well and she wasn't going to let a sea of people crowding around stop her.  And... the bleeding stops, but she doesn't get to be anonymous because... well Jesus knows.  I mean, He's God.  So HE engages this very frightened woman and speaks so tenderly to her, embarrassed as she was in her act of desperation to be healed.

What struck me is how different these folks reactions are from mine.  Do I not see my intense need for God's daily grace in my life?  I seem to be more like the pig herders in Gerasene on some days - I think I can manage the mess around me pretty well, but I can't.  Other days, I relate to the bleeding woman.  I try everything to fix myself but there's only one ultimate healer.   I am willing to embarrass myself to reach out for Jesus and receive His grace for me?

This song came to mind when I was thinking about this blog.  It captures the thought of desperation with this word "Yearn."  I love it.  Listen to the words and let them feed your mind and heart.  Like these people who found healing and grace, "I want to yearn."

Your joy is mine
Yet why am I fine?
With all my singing and bringing grain
In lights of Him

I want to yearn for You
I want to burn with passion
Over You, and only You

I don't think this is likely, but perhaps you may be reading this and you relate to "legion" - perhaps you've toyed with the demonic in some way and now it's got you trapped, addicted, and restless.  Don't manage the demonic.  Yes, they are real, and they are not your friends, spirit guides, meditative voices, etc.  Please seek help if this is you, but do realize that your battle very likely isn't just due to bad habits, chemical imbalances, or whatever society has told you... there is a very real spiritual evil in the world and he doesn't always show himself to be evil... sometimes he looks almost angelic and hence there's the catch.

But, Satan doesn't play fair and he plays for keeps, but he isn't supreme.  Not even close.  Jesus, the Jesus that walked, taught, healed, died and rose in the land of Palestine 2000 years ago, IS supreme and He has Satan on a very short leash.  Submit yourself to this Jesus, and fully rely on His death on the cross to forgive and restore you, and He will free you.  That's a promise (James 4:7-10).  What Jesus did for this formerly crazy man, He can do for you.  HE loves you, and proved that when He had himself nailed up on a cross.


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