An update on the Willis family's bout with Ike

For everyone that's been praying for my family... no pictures of our stuff yet (I think my parents may have taken some... I'll check) but we (the collective we... I'm just using my cell phone) survived the storm and the damage was relatively minimal compared to some of the desolation that you may have seen in Galveston and Surfside on the news.

My parents ventured to Lake Jackson to check out the house yesterday and found that there is a lot of debris in the yard, one tree down but it didn't hit anything valuable, and the power is still out. I suppose that yesterday was spent cleaning out the refrigerator from the 4+ day old food that has been sitting in there and making for a good petri dish. I didn't ask about the freezer petri dish, but I'm sure it's getting cleared out as well. They were spending the night at the house, living by candle light, and today is likely going to be a lot of debris cleanup... my dad is going to get to pull out his chainsaw at long last. Pray for the neighborhood!!!! ;-) Speaking, our nextdoor neighbor's house, according to my parents, looks like a war zone from all of the downed trees. The word they used to describe it was "mangled." Fun. Robert, our neighbor from across the street, has a generator set up and has offered his power source for cooking, boiling water, and such.

My brothers... Jonathan is back at home from what I hear. The power is back and he's been called up by the National Guard to help out in the relief efforts. Chuck is back at work now and has a LOT of wet carpet because his closet became a mini version of Nevada Falls (one of the huge waterfalls at Yosemite) during Hurricane Ike... so I'm hoping there's not a lot of molding/mildewing going on. He sounds fine, though.

And me... I'm hoping that life gets back to normal soon. I'm sure this cleanup is going to be going on for weeks, maybe months.


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