John McCain... now Statesman

If you haven't seen John McCain's speech on Tuesday, it's worth taking a look at.  In defeat, this may have been one of his finer moments in this election.  This speech highlights why I voted FOR John McCain and not against Barak Obama this year - the man commands respect and is a man who has earned it in my mind, even though America did not choose him to go to the White House :-(.  

Now, like the elder George Bush in 1992, John McCain moves into the role of being the elder Statesman.  President Bush 41 is a man worthy of great respect, both in his 4 years as President and even more in his life since the presidency.  He handled defeat graciously, and I saw a lot of that in John McCain this week.  

To reiterate one thing he said, let's not as Republicans do to President Obama what our friends on the other side of the aisle have done to President Bush... or what many of us have sadly done to President Clinton in the 90's.  Let's not be haters... let's give respect to President Obama because he's the President... not because he's Barak Obama or a socialist, or whatever.  There is a way to disagree and work toward what we know is best for the country without the massive hatred we have seen political opponents hurl at Presidents over the last 16 years... especially the brutal onslaught of hate against George W Bush over the last 8 years... whom I believe history will treat better than contemporary time.  Let's as Republicans earn our country's respect again by treating the President with honor, regardless of who is holding the office.  

One day again soon, a man (or a woman) we love and are rallied around will sit in that Oval Office... and though I hope that date is January 21, 2013... I truly hope that our new President is able to accomplish the goals for America we all agree need to be addressed... starting with ending the political hatred and bringing a civil discourse to our debate.

On Tuesday night... Senator McCain delivered it... the ball is in Barak Obama's hands now (and those of us Republicans that have seen our President ridiculed, often unfairly, for 8 years... let's not stoop down to that level, please :) )


Unknown said…
There were legitimate concerns about W's governing record as President. I do think that history will view Bush 43 in a much better light in about 20-25 years, which is about the same amount of time it took for Carter to be viewed more favorably. Unfortunately for McCain, he was seen as "more of the same" from the Republican party. McCain's concession speech and Obama's victory speech was classy. I hope that McCain and Obama supporters can be classy to each other.

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