
I was preparing for my small group study this afternoon and ran across this question... arising from the "Balanced" series we are conducting at church.  It's prompted some thoughts as I read it:

"Discontentment is robbing our generation."  Do you agree with this statement?  If so, how?

Given the context of our study over the last few weeks, I would agree wholeheartedly with this statement.  We have fallen heads down into the trap of discontentment when it comes to "things" that is has caused us to do some really stupid things in the name of "keeping up," "upgrading," "being good to yourself," etc.  The amount of credit card debt that most of us Americans hold is evidence that discontentment is robbing us of our financial security.  

It is also robbing us of our joy... in an effort to "keep up" and have the newest, biggest, fastest, blah, blah, blah... we are not enjoying the life that we have and in a sense we are being robbed of our joy when we focus on what we do not have.  We are all SO rich here in America and we don't act like it... we act like we don't have anything when in reality we are quite possibly the wealthiest nation that has ever existed.  Could this have contributed to our economic sickness?  Sadly, the answer is likely yes. 

Paul stated that "Godliness with contentment is great gain."  If our needs are taken care of and we are satisfied with that, we can be happy.  Heck, children in Third World countries that don't even have their basic needs met are happy... what is their secret?  It should be no secret then that having more stuff does not necessarily bring happiness.  

I, however, do not agree 100% with the statement as it is carte blanche.  Even though, in the realm of material things discontentment is robbing us... there are some things that we SHOULD be discontent about.  In fact, I believe (and Andy hinted at this when he gave this talk) that when we shift our focus of discontentment, we can find true satisfaction and in a way invest in things that will outlast us... unlike our iPod (even though I'm a big fan of iPods).  So, what should I be discontent about?  I thought about this and here's my list:

1.) Children around the world are going hungry and many are dying of starvation.
2.) Millions of people in Africa are dying of AIDS
3.) Over 27 million people around the world are in bondage to the sex slave trade, and this even exists in the United States
4.) Fear, not hope, is the prevailing emotion being felt in our country right now.
5.) Many people do not know what is means to be loved by their Heavenly Father and unconditionally accepted.
6.) Even with a change in leadership, politicians continue to spend our nation's government into further and more massive debt in the name of fixing the economy.
7.) Millions of people live in fear of their own government; and in many cases it is because of their faith choices.

There may be more... the world we live in is not a perfect place.  

But, the truth is that when we move our focus away from our wants and move it to seeing the need around us, then we can become mission-minded and perhaps even become the change agents that this world truly needs to see and experience.  


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