Glad to see some common sense

I was pretty happy to see this article in my news feed.  A couple of Democratic senators are now saying that they will vote against this "emergency" spending legislation with several thousand earmarks that is coming up for a vote and urging President Obama to veto it and send it back for a good scrubbing (get rid of the earmarks!!)

These two guys are no suprise... Evan Bayh seems like a good guy... heck he's from Indiana, and I would have had a lot more respect for Obama's centrist talk if he was VP instead  of Joe Biden.  He shoots straight and is not really into politics as usual.  Senator Feingold is also a moderate... and willing to be bi-partisan as he worked with John McCain on the campaign finance reform stuff.  These guys have some credibility when it comes to working for solutions instead of politics as usual.   It's no surprise that on the other side Feingold's aisle, John McCain is also shouting at President Obama to get some (gumption) and veto this earmarked to the kilt bill.

And, if he wants to have any credibility with people who aren't ideologically to the left, he needs to man up and start saying no to this crap... instead of just going ahead and signing the bill and then complaining that he "inherited this from Bush."  Okay, fine... you inherited a bad economy from the last president, but it's starting to sound like an excuse for going down the path that you're going on.  Seriously.  If Barak Obama is ACTUALLY serious about all of this fiscal responsibility that he's talking about, then he'll start VETOing this wasteful spending and earmark-ridden bills instead of letting the money pass through his pen and then blaming Bush.  

Mr. President, the truth is that now that YOU are signing the bills... it's not Bush's fault anymore.  It is yours.  

It's not just Rush Limbaugh that's saying this... it's the moderates in your own party too.  Please listen to them.  


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