Why it is I do this

Today, for the most part, has been all about Kenya.  My team met for the third time today and I'm excited that we are really gelling as a group as we start to enter the "home stretch" in our trip preparation.  We are having our team retreat two weekends from now and I'm looking forward to hearing everyones' stories.

It was also a day where I filled a number of envelopes and mailed out letters.   Today was a 410 Bridge support deadline... which I hadn't met at the time I'm writing this blog (no fun).  Ah, yes.  All of us that have gone on mission trips know the feeling of the support raising exercise.  I am one of those that don't like fundraising, I'll admit.  However, during every trip the group that sponsors us both strongly encourages us and requires us to do this, so here I go again :-).  Honestly, I do get why I do this... meaning the painstaking work of raising funds and prayer support for being sent out on these missions.  And I wanted to tell you why it is I do this.

- I get to tell my friends about what God has called me to do on these trips, and it really gets me to examine my heart and prayerfully communicate.  Especially this year, there is a sense in my life where I feel "called" to Africa and I want to share it.  The support raising effort gives me that outlet, and it seems like the more I talk about Africa now the more God is giving me a heart for Africa.

- It gives people an opportunity to participate in the work, even if they can't hop on a plane and go.  This is something I get a sense of when I support my friends on their mission trips... I read their stories and see the pictures from their work and know that I had a part in making that happen.  I also want others to share in the same joy with my work.

- It causes me to rely on God.  This is the most important part of this effort, as God always uses people that are surrendered and dependent on Him.  He never uses "independent" people to accomplish His will, but instead those that realize their need for God to come through.  Nothing really prepares me like support raising for these trips.

Especially in such a crazy economy like this.  I was having lunch with a team member (Jonathan Maxwell) a few weeks ago and we were talking about this.  One thought that came out was that it would be really cool if the support we received were small gifts by a LOT of our friends, because in reality my goal in this whole thing is to allow you, my friends, to have ownership in my ministry.  In fact, if 400 people all gave $10, not only would I reach my goal (and exceed it) but I'd have 400 people spurring me on, praying for me, and motivating me to get on my knees for Africa knowing I have an army of folks behind me.  I think that would be just plain cool.

In fact, if you've reached this blog and believe in bringing relief and the good news of God's love to Africa, I would encourage you to join my team and give $10.  It's really easy... just follow the link below and give, send a note if you would like, and I'll add you to my news list so that you can know how to pray for me.


Of course, you don't have to give just $10, but it's that kind of perspective (the perspective that I want you to join me in the mission of reaching out to Africa) that I want to set.  I hope that many will join the cause... and that perhaps God may call you to join the cause - to give, to pray, and perhaps eventually to go.


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