The Ultimate Pickup Line

Happy Valentines Day!

Either you love it, hate it, or you're trying to ignore it.  Ignoring it may be hard to do if you go anywhere like a mall, grocery store, gas station, church, wherever... basically if you're not in a cave meditating on the meaning of darkness you can't escape it.  A friend of mine that's on staff at church somehow got on this kick last year of tweeting cheesy pickup lines during Valentines Day and making people laugh.  It was quite funny and I guess she may be doing it again this year.  It got me thinking, what's the funniest pickup line I've heard?  It may be one that I heard at fusion (not one a guy used on a girl, but we were playing a game where we were trying to "vote" on the funniest one).

And then somehow I thought:  What would be the best one?  What is the best one?  I'm not a "pickup line" kind of guy, but if I had to use one what would I use?

And this hit me.  This was the best one.  It was actually used on me.  And it worked.  Do you want to know what it is?


It came from Jesus.

He said....

"Follow me."

He's been using this "line" for centuries.  He started with 12 that would change the world through this radical love that God was about to pour out on us, enabled by the ultimate act of love displayed on a cross.  He is, in that phrase saying, I am the One who has life.  I can make your life worth living.  Let me lead you into a better life.  The kind of life that I live, and I'll enable you to do just that.

I bit on it.  Over 20 years later, I've never regretted it.

Come to think of it, in light of that call, Paul invited this following to a group of Christ-followers in another simple statement: "Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ." (1 Corinthians 11:1).  Paul did life with Christ and modeled who Jesus is in such a way that he was confident to encourage others to watch and follow his example.  He loved like Jesus loved.  He cared about the things that Jesus would care about.  He practiced intimacy with God.  He lived to show people what it was like, and how awesome it is, to follow Jesus.  

Ultimately, if we're thinking about relationships, that is the best thing we can offer.  If our pickup line to a girl could truly be "if you want to know what following Jesus is like, spend some time with me."  And... if we could back it up with the way we lived our lives, how awesome would that be?  Having dated, and having had conversations with my single female friends (who will remain nameless :) ), ultimately it comes down to this.  They want a guy who walks with God in such a way that they can offer that leadership, direction, and unconditional love that only comes from being connected with the life of God.  They want a guy that's not perfect (none of us are), but who can say with their lives "follow my example, as I follow Christ."  None of us do this perfectly (I'd be a hypocrite to say that I do), but I guarantee you that godly women are hungry for that.  

To do this with authenticity, the step isn't to "try harder" or "clean up your act" or "make a resolution and do better."  It is, to accept the ultimate pickup line.  The one Jesus himself has extended.

"Follow me."

And our response?

The same that Matthew, a pretty unlikely invitee into new way of living... and new way of love, gave.  He left his old life, his categories, what made him secure.  He left everything and followed him.

And he never regretted it.

You won't either :-).  It's not always easy, but it's the best life ever :-).

Much better than the Hollywood romance, too.


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