How many of you are excited about the Olympics. I am! My TV isn't on a lot, but it's been on to watch many of the Olympic events since the Games began last Friday. Surprisingly, I like many of you are glued to watch sports that, for most of the four years in-between Olympics, we normally wouldn't care much about. As many of you know, I studied marketing in graduate school, largely because I love psychology and understanding how people tick, and I have a fascination with good advertising. One of the best ads I've seen while watching the Olympics (and one of the best I've ever seen), is one where different athletes are training for their events with the background narrative of... I can't remember the last time I watched TV. You know that best selling novel that everybody's talking about... I haven't read it. I haven't had dessert in over 2 years. These are the voices of people who have sacrificed tiny pleasures in order to pursue big dre...