In light of recent posts

I just want it to be known that I do respect anyone that has a liberal political point of view.  I believe that debate and the free exchange of ideas is essential to our great country continuing to flourish, and would hate for anything to damage that.  

PLEASE... vote your conscience and be informed when you vote.  Believe me, if you agree with Barak Obama's recipe for change and understand what it means for you and America... please vote for him.  If you believe in John McCain's recipe for change and understand what it means for you and America, please vote for him... same goes for anyone who wants to "Protest vote" :) haha with Bob Barr or Ralph Nader.  

But, if you're a.) undecided or b.) are voting for a candidate because you either are impressed with his charisma, are brainwashed with the word "change" or "maverick", or know only the talking points and TV ad pop shots... then please do us a favor and get some objective research on each of the candidates... their positions, their character, their record - and look at news from both sides... objectively.  Get your news from CNN and Fox News... from Hannity  and NPR.  I'm not sure if there is a truly objective news source out there so just take both sides and think through the bias to the truth.  If you do that, and vote your conscience... some people may not be happy with your choice but you will have done your due diligence.  At the end of the day, that was Joe the Plumber's advice... and I think it's good especially coming from a working guy like most of us.  

Peace out.


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