Andy brought it today

Happy Mother's Day!

And in that light, I think Andy Stanley did all of the mom's and future mom's in his audience a big favor by taking a huge risk and being willing to step on we mens' toes.  And it's something we need to hear as men in our culture.

I'm not going to give you the cliff notes of the talk, because the talk was way too good (and important) for me to summarize it in a weak blog posting.  But, if you really want to know... we need be cherishing women.  All women.  All the time.  Period.

In every way.
In our thoughts.
In our actions.
In our choices.

The details of that, which Andy talks about today, are very edgy.  You can listen to the talk to know what I'm talking about :-).

It was a little convicting for me, because the gravitation of this culture is strong and if we don't by the power of the Spirit swim upstream then it will take us with it whether we like it or not.  I prayed that God would give me grace where I didn't always get the respect thing right with ex-girlfriends and girls I've dated in the past - I'm definitely not perfect and I really do want to leave a good wake in my path even though I'm not by any means perfect.

I did delete a couple of songs today (Rockstar by Nickelback and Zac Brown's Devil went down to Georgia live song that I just downloaded off iTunes after Friday night's concert... why these songs?  Listen to the message!) and am really praying that I remain in Jesus and have this cherishing heart that Jesus, Peter, and Paul talk about in the scriptures we read today.  It was good to be reminded that they were even more countercultural then than they are today.

The talk did make me very thankful, though, that God got a hold of me early.  While I have a pretty boring salvation story of being saved from legalistic self-righteousness like the older brother in the Prodigal Son story, I am very thankful that I have been spared from some of the consequences of the stuff that Andy talked about.  I do feel like a dork sometimes when I talk in circles about my lack of experience (dare I bring up the "v" word?)  and naivety about what's "out there," but I think I'd rather have my dorky life today than the alternative, even if I have to talk today about sex only in theoretical terms.  But you know, that dorky virgin (there, I said it!) till I say "I do" lifestyle has spared me a LOT of heartache, and I can't tell you how thankful I am for that.

So, if you haven't heard the talk - seriously go to Buckhead at the 6 or check it out on Northpoint Online at 6 tonight.  And, if you have been there and you're in a small group, would you be bold enough to talk about this in your group this week?  Our hearts, our future marriages... they're at stake here.

Your future wife, your girlfriend, the girl you want to ask out but are scared to... if you hear Andy out and apply his urgings in your life, they will thank you.  I truly believe that.


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