What if it's today?

So - at dinner club last night and all around the twitterverse everyone's talking about the end of the world.

Yes - somebody else with a formula and some loose scriptural interpretation has predicted it.


And he's likely to be wrong.

Again.  (Yes - this same guy has predicted it before and struck out).

So - while I'm pretty sure I'll see you all and have something witty and snarky to say to you on Sunday, the thought gives me a little pause, because Jesus didn't really tell us when he's coming back.  He just told us that he was.

So, it could be today.

And I'm not a prophet, and I don't have a formula, but it could be today.  And then again, it could be tomorrow.

My question is:

Does that make you happy?  Or does that make you afraid?

I think there will be two types of people who will fear Jesus coming.  The first are people who have lived like there is no God... and then will see Him, in all of his glory.  That would be very scary.  The second are people who tried to stack up a bunch of stuff to impress God and were really sincere, but it was really about "me trying to put together a great resume for God" and then seeing God in all of His holiness and realizing that my resume was like a fry cook at McDonalds trying to apply for the CEO job at Apple.  That's probably not going to be a good feeling either.

And then the happy people... I'm going to be one of those.  They are people that realize that God is holier than I can possibly imagine, and there's no resume I can build that would even come close to impressing Him... and took the one offer God gave that is 100% sure to please Him.  Surrender my life.  Accept the life that Jesus lived when He was here before, and accept that He's done everything that needs to be done to please God and rely on His record, the transaction He made by dying in my place on the cross, and the new life he has given me... versus trying to live my own life for me and my glory. Those people, who love, treasure and value Him, are going to be ecstatic 

Are you?

Because one day, it will the day.

Just maybe not Saturday.


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