14 Things that do impress me

I don't know if you saw this post from Tyler Stanton, but I thought it was pretty hilarious.  Not only because of it's obvious snarkiness, but also because it's pretty obvious that I'd probably not impress Tyler (me being the movie line quoting, Android phone carrying, theologically minded guy that I am).  But I laughed, so I gave it the fanfare that a great post is due.  Here is the link, in case you haven't seen it.


I've actually thought about posting my own, but I think I'd rather ponder what actually DOES impress me (even though in Henry Cloud's "Nine Things" chapter about "hating well," what we dislike (aka - doesn't impress us) is an indication of what we value).  If you don't really care about impressing me, then you can ignore the rest of this blog, but in case you're curious then you can read on... :-)

Things that impress me in general
1.)  You are Biblically and theologically literate, and you can apply this knowledge into this thing we call "life"

2.) You can learn your way around technology without having to have your hand held.

3.) You associate and humanize people that whom associating with would appear to your peers to be "beneath you."

4.) You've run any distance races.  I'm a runner and know the discipline needed to do a distance race, and if you've done the same you have my respect.

5.) You take risks and are willing to step out on faith in God even if it doesn't seem to make a lot of sense.

6.) You can discuss spiritual issues from many different Christian vantage points; and don't get locked into a "turf war" discussion around your point of view (some popular rat trails include "predestination vs. free will" and any discussion around end times)

7.) You can be snarky in such a way that makes people laugh (out loud), without a shred of ego, and does not ever belittle or marginize other people

Things that impress me in girls
Since I'm a guy and I have been known to date from time to time, I'll let you in on a few of these...

1.) Balance.  I am extremely impressed with a girl who can manage her life well; including making time for exercise, intellectual pursuits, fun, friends, and her work endeavors.

2.) Modesty.  I am very impressed with a girl who looks great but doesn't try to commoditize herself by the way she presents herself.  She knows she's beautiful and she lets you know she's a woman, but she also lets you know that she's not "for sale."

3.) Pursuits.  I am very impressed with a girl who invests her time serving others.  I really have a lot of respect for teachers and nurses, but also for those that give their time to minister in the community and invest time serving in the local church.

4.) Worship.  I am very impressed with a girl with whom it is clear that Jesus is the love of her life.  This is a little hard for me to discern in church, however (I value this, because this is my desire for myself... hence I'm paying more attention to Jesus than to "her" when I'm in church)

5.) Intelligent/Deep.  I am very impressed with a girl who loves to talk about deep topics, and is not afraid of a little friendly debate.  I really am impressed when these topics are about spiritual things.

6.) Cheap but you wouldn't know it.  Actually this impresses me as a whole, but this is where I thought of adding this item.  I am very impressed with people who are able to find deals and you look at what they do and how they live and you would be shocked at how much margin they actually live on.  I actually shocked a friend a couple of weeks ago when I told her how much I paid for some of the clothes I bought at Costco (CK and Levi's 505's).

7.) Athletically and artistically competent.  Maybe because this is me, but I really am impressed with someone who is involved athletically or follows sports, and can draw, sing, play an instrument, or write really well.  Maybe that goes to the balance thing but I really have a special appreciation for those that can be part-time jocks and part-time glee club people for some reason - also it's a desire for my kids as well.

Now, that is my (partial) list... The second isn't my "must haves" but I have to say that most of my girlfriends have had one or more of these characteristics.  I know that this wouldn't impress everyone.  You gotta find your own passions and your own likes.  But these are some of mine and this is my blog so if you read up to now, well now you know.

Peace out.


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