
Well friends, I had my final visit (I hope) to Dr. Peebles today and got the go-ahead to start ramping up my running.

Good thing, because on June 1, 2011, otherwise known as National Runners Day, I registered for the inaugural Savannah Rock and Roll 1/2 Marathon on November 5th.  A $13 discount from had something to do with my getting signed up then :-).  My goal is to start going into "training mode" for the race in early-to-mid August.

Interestingly enough, when I was at the L.A. Rock and Roll (also an inaugural), marathon record-holder Deena Castor was speaking to a group and encouraged everyone to think of the "next goal" you have... to have something greater in front of you. For me... it is to finish this next race without any injury, without walking, and to bust my PR of 2:32 wide open.

Now this will be the third race I've run so the third time is a charm, right?

My goal:  2:10 - stretch, under 2 hours.

But for now, I am going to continue to get my body used to running (I completed 5K without breaking stride this morning), and then I will slowly and carefully start building my mileage.  This time, I won't be running any races immediately before this one, I will monitor my mileage uptick carefully, and if I feel my body pushing back, to listen to it early on and go get therapy to speed the healing.

And, knock on wood, sprint with a smile at the 13.1 mile mark for the camera at the Rock and Roll.

The road to Savannah starts today... officially in 2 months.


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