"Clean" water????

I had myself quite a revelation the other day as I was preparing dinner. Being a Costco member and a pasta lover of some sorts, I started up a boiling pot of water to heat some frozen tortellini - to make a combo of basil-oregano sauce, spinach, shrimp, and cheese tortellini meal. I started the boil and then went upstairs to my office to check e-mail, and ended up checking Facebook and blogging for a bit... time passed and I went downstairs (obviously, I wasn't THAT hungry) and found the water completely boiled out... so I didn't find any H2O but what I did find at the bottom of the pan was very disturbing (see picture below)...

On the left is the pan that had the water boiled out of it. On the right is the SAME pan (I have two of these) 100% clean (which is what the one on the left was before setting it to boil). What that first pan looks like to the naked eye is a lot of gringy metallic substances caked on the bottom, kind of a combo of a reddish and grayish substance.

Okay people, THIS is what we are putting in our body by drinking straight from the tap in Atlanta (and probably in other cities too). I heard from somewhere that the tap/drinking water here was fairly good... my friends (to quote John McCain), that rumor is false. The evidence speaks for itself.

(I therefore bought a filter jug the other day and am filtering EVERYTHING that gets drank... and I mean EVERYTHING).

To editorialize, this is one thing I don't like about being a conservative. And to be honest, when I see these things happen the closer I get to the center. For whatever reason, the "conservative movement" just doesn't seem to care about stuff like clean water, clean air, protecting our health and the environment... and instead gives people passes on this kind of stuff. *sigh*...

Oh - to quote Woody from Toy Story... if you don't have a (moving buddy) water filter, GET ONE! :-)

chris <><


Autumn said…
Word on the water factor. We've had all kinds of issues here in our complex. I do use a Brita filter, but am considering getting a whole house filter which my friend Kathy has. That way you can drink right out of the tip and not have to worry about filtering it in a jug.

Sigh. At least our water is cleaner than where I'll be going this summer. I'm just thankful to have water. In the grand scheme of things, not a huge deal.

And by the way, in the future you probably shouldn't leave the kitchen for too long while boiling water :o)

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