I want to punch Adam in the face

A week or so ago, I was having breakfast with Mark Shull, my groups director and a mentor of mine; and I remember, in mentioning my frustration with my sinful tendencies, that sometimes I would like go get a Delorean (I am a Back to the Future fan, so any time machine that I would envision would be housed inside of a Delorean... any amens?), travel back to the Garden of Eden, and punch Adam in the face.

This created some dialogue, as you can imagine, because the statement does have a little shock value.  But more on that to come.

I had the same thought when I finally grasped what happened on Friday.  Apparently some deranged kid (he was 20) decided to go into his mom's school and start shooting innocent children.  26 innocent children and teachers lost their lives... for what?  They just showed up to school.  Again.. I wanted to get into a Delorean and punch Adam in the face (well, him and this dude in Connecticut).

A week ago, in my mentor group that Mark leads, we discussed the whole thought that innocent people suffer because of our sin... that my rebellion, selfishness, dysfunction (whatever you call it) does not just impact me but impacts the lives of people around me that did not in any way, shape, or form participate in my actions.  Think about the kids living without a father... they didn't have sex out of marriage but they live with the consequences every day.  What about the employees of Enron that never provided a false report, who showed up and did their jobs every day, but lost their life savings and in many ways their perceived integrity because of the actions of people like Lay, Skilling, and Fastow?

That brings me back to Adam... I wonder if someone from the future could go back in time, up until that moment where Eve gave him the fruit, and showed him a 30 minute video of all of the things that would come about in the world because of what he was about to do...

You know... 
The massacre of little children in this school in Connecticut.
The murder of several million Jews, Muslims, Rwandans, and Iraquis in genocides around the world.
The existence of slavery
Millions of dollars spent in counselors' offices to deal with addictions, relational strife, and poor self esteem.
Wars, upon wars, upon wars... upon more wars.
The exploitation of the poor.
And worse of all... we humans that were created to live in a perfect world, can't imagine what one would actually look like.

And the list goes on and on.

All because one guy decided he wanted to be a god.  And instead he because the human race's biggest cotton headed ninny muggins.

The corruption in our souls that caused all of this evil... he started with one act of rebellion.  And now we all, unfair but as true as it is, suffer because of it.  If Adam knew all of this (maybe he thought about this... chances are he didn't), do you think it would have changed the outcome?  I don't know; it's interesting to think about.

It kind of puts our own decisions in perspective.  We don't just hurt ourselves when we choose to act selfishly and live outside of what we know is right.  Other people; and yes innocent people are collateral damage.  And as Jeff Foxworthy has said, "booing it doesn't make it any less true." The question is:  Will I, will we, play the movie and see the consequences of our actions as being larger than us; extending to people that we love (or will love in the future)?  Perhaps this may change some of our decisions... it's too late for Adam but it isn't too late for us.

On the flipside, however, the opposite is true about acts of goodness too.  They can benefit people that we love, and people that didn't do anything to deserve such great blessing.

As Christians who have said "YES!" to Jesus's offer to trade Adam's nature for His by receiving his awesome gift of forgiveness and restoration at the cross, we have a righteous standing before God and a new outlook on life that God is cheering for to thank for that one act of righteousness that Jesus did on our behalf (Romans 5:18-19).

Now that's the big, universe-changing, life altering reality for all of us that have become Christ-followers... in a smaller way those of us that attended one of the Northpoint partner churches today saw the amazing results of our generosity during Be Rich with the looks of amazement and gratitude on the part of many around our communities that are doing good.  A single noble act has a huge impact just as much, and arguably, even more than an act of evil.  We can play the movie, choose to do good (Be Rich), and see the impact and legacy of a Christ-like, versus an Adam-like, life produces and the results are SO much better.

Don't ya think?

And as I'd like to go back in time and punch Adam in the face... because I know Jesus I really can't wait to give him a hug.  Because I am so grateful for his act that made me right.  Now I want to let others see that life, versus the one I was born with.

Because that life doesn't produce stories like the school in Connecticut.  It produces much better stories than that... like those I saw on this morning at Buckhead Church.


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