Mary Macs

Last night, I took a couple of co workers (I'm in a training class in town) that aren't "from around here" (Atlanta) into town to experience the city and something unique about Atlanta. We opted for Mary Macs Tea Room, about as authentically Southern as you can get :) and an Atlanta landmark.

Mary Macs is one of my favorite spots in town... and having added the Fried Green Tomatoes to the sweet potato souflee as my favorite "vegetables," this evening's journey was a success. Mary Macs has had a soft spot in my heart because she (I can personify a restaurant as a woman) has helped me through at least a couple of tough relational moments and has always delivered... either in the terms of the atmosphere warming up conversation or the famous "backscratcher" lady coming and making my day. It is now also a favorite of my parents when they come into town too... it's got an "old time feel" to it.

My colleagues, I believe, loved it too... and got a hoot out of all of the southern-ness. One Account Exec I work with that came is from Boston and a new training guy from Germany was here with us. A cultural experience? Yes, I think it was :)

Have a wonderful Thursday!


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