Things that make you go Hmmmm (Part 1)

I saw a couple of blog post; either with quotes or oddities of life that could not be explained... so I thought I would contribute my own.

No order here, of course... just some thoughts on my own paradoxes....

On Dining Out and Restaurants

1.) Ever notice that McDonald's, despite:
having an executive chef preparing new innovative menu items all of the time,
arguably the best gourmet salad options available for a fast food restaurant, and
numerous commercials communicating healthy/active lifestyles to kids...
They continue to get lambasted by the media and by experts for contributing to the epidemic of childhood obesity and the decline of health in America; 

When on the contrary, Burger King (and Jack-n-the-Box and Hardees, etc.) continues to exclusively sell and market artery clogging crap with their creepy plastic (and now robotic) "king" character and "meat, and cheese, and meat, and cheese" (does this come with an angioplasty?)  - and no one says anything?

2.) Ever notice how when we go out to a sit down meal, that the new EXPECTED tip for our waiter is 20% of the ticket?   This expectation does not come out, however, until you get a waiter that doesn't take care of you AT ALL and people treat you like a member of the Nazi party when you want to tip 5% (for a 5% effort).  When did this happen?  I'm a pretty generous tipper, but what happened to working for what you get?  

On dating, relationships, and marriage

1.) Ever notice that the quotes that most pastors (almost always married) use to talk about marriage and family were originated (written or ascribed to) by single men with no aspirations of getting married?  

2.) Ever notice that it seems like people who date just for the fun of dating tend to have more success in getting married than those that don't date anyone unless there's some hope of marriage attached to the date?  

On general life

1.) Ever notice that people who look to serve others are more enthusiastically followed than those that primarily try to lead?

2.) Ever notice that we seem much more disconnected to one another despite having all of this great technology (cell phones, texting, social networking sites, etc.) that supposedly keeps us "connected" to one another.  

3.) Ever notice that the more Mick Jagger tries to look young and hip, the stupider he looks ;-)

more to come, unless I'm flamed with hate mail :)


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