
Showing posts from May, 2009

Really? Seriously?

I'm posting this because I'm about to ride MARTA in a few hours down to the airport to meet my crew of peeps going to Estonia.  When I heard about what they are planning to do in "these tough economic times," I had to say "really?" So, MARTA is losing money.  Not surprising.  Nobody really likes riding.  Their service stinks.  Their rates are, well, okay (not great for waiting around for 20 minutes in a scary train station to catch a train that stalls a good bit of the time).  Okay, any good business person that has begged for, and probably received some, government bailout money would probably have an action plan to fix the revenue shortfall:  so this is what they're going to do... 1. Raise rates, and  2. Cut service So, by raising rates, less people are going to ride because you're automatically reducing demand for your service when you raise prices (it's...


My breakfast, like a lot of areas of my life, are fairly routine until I decide to switch up the routine and do something else.  Then, I find a new routine.  My latest breakfast routine has been to have a cup of Yoplait nonfat yogurt in the morning with my coffee and God's word.   I don't know if I'm ready to give that routine up quite yet.  Yoplait has been good to me... got on this kick from traveling for work because the yogurt cups are just about the ONLY healthy thing available at the hotel breakfast area.  That, and probably Bob from The Biggest Loser was pretty good at hawking it during the show (but it does taste really good).  But alas, I opened up my fridge to find that the supplies have diminished, 3 days before I leave the country.  So, prematurely, I looked at my other options: - the Trader Joe's organic cranberry oatmeal - the egg white omelet.   These are my other two breakfast routine foods.  Time was short so the omelet was out so I went for the oatmeal...

This is not how you want to have breakfast with a mentor

This morning, I was planning to meet up with Steve, a mentor of mine, to catch up and talk life.  We had a good plan too, we were going to meet up after the 9AM service at Buckhead Church and then go over to the Flying Biscuit for food.  I had been looking forward to this all weekend (both Flying Biscuit and hanging out with Steve).   So, after service this morning (which was really good), I talk to Steve in the lobby and then walk over to The Biscuit to get a table after picking up some gifts that Terry (from my last mission team) wanted me to deliver to some Estonian friends when I travel there next week.  As I am walking over along Piedmont Road past Starbucks to get to the restaurant, I feel a very sharp sensation in my food along with a crunch and a little pain.  I pick up my left foot and guess what I find?   A huge broken piece of glass (looking like it was once part of a bar glass) sticking out of my shoe.  Yeah - walking right there along the road.  I pulled it out of my shoe...

Some of the coolest things that happened to me this week (so far)

Thought I'd share :) 1.)  Today, in a meeting with one of our directors at my company, I was in the middle of scheduling some meetings with his team, and mentioned that I would be on vacation the week after next.  After moving doing some schedule adjusting to make sure I could support them well, he asked me where I was going.   I mentioned that I was going to Estonia (Yay!)... and of course he asked where that was... and asked what I was doing there.  I then mentioned that I was going on a mission trip working with college students, to which he said something (along the lines of) "Cool.  I went on a trip to Haiti last summer.  It was great."  That was awesome. 2.)  My last Upstreet worship singing gig of the "school year" was really amazing.  We lost our fearless leader to ACL surgery, and the team on stage really jelled and each engaged with the kids in large group.  We sang some really great (and high energy) songs... and I even got a solo :-).  I love singing...

Thoughts on Romans

I have been reading through Romans for the last week or so in my quiet times... specifically Romans 8.  Romans 8 may be my favorite chapter in all of the Bible.  It rocks.  However, today, my thoughts while reading took more of a macro path as I was reading.  You know that, before he wrote this letter Paul had never actually been to Rome but wanted to.  He wrote to the Roman church in the beginning of this letter (a section that I've been praying as I prepare for my trip to Tartu in 2 weeks): "First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you,  because your faith is being reported all over the world . God, whom I serve with my whole heart in preaching the gospel of his Son, is my witness how constantly I remember you  in my prayers at all times; and I pray that now at last by God's will the way may be opened for me to come to you. I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong—that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged ...

Great Quotes

"As long as our happiness is tied to the things we can lose, we are vulnerable." - John Elderidge.   I like this quote... it matches up with one of my favorite quotes from Jim Elliot: "He is no fool who trades that which he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose."   And another (from Solomon) "Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life." - Proverbs 4:23 Good stuff.  So, what is your (my) happiness tied to?  If you (I) think about it objectively, are you willing to go "all in" on that something(one)?  And if not, how do you (I) change your (my) bet so that the something/someone you (I) are going "all in" on will truly deliver the goods?  

Fall (Walking With God)

Some of you know that I'm a very big fan of John Eldredge's books.... a few of you know that I'm reading "Walking With God" right now (especially if you're in my small group and reading this :) ) The book is broken out into seasons, representing seasons of our life that God brings us through in our relationship with Him. I am reading through Fall, which has been a great read because in a way I've got to revisit some places that He has brought me through in my personal journey through reading it, to be encouraged by His work in my life, and to listen for his still small voice encouraging me to hand over other agreements to him. One thing that I'm really liking, and praying for, is for God to truly rebuild my personality centered on His love. This is a prayer that John Eldredge consistently prays in this season, and it's something that I really want myself. It's getting me thinking about: "What is my personality centered around today?...

A couple of cool things I have seen lately

First, I got an email the other day from my friend Chad in Houston about an article that NPR wrote up about a video of street singers in in New Orleans that included a guy named "Grandpa Elliott."  When a group of us stopped in New Orleans (my first time) on the way for a guys' weekend in Destin, we were amazed at how good this guy was (or the statement was made:  how good the street performers are).  Little did I know that he's a N.O. icon and has been at it for many, many years now. Second, I've been reading John Eldridge's "Walking with God" as a study for small group, and have really been encouraged in reading it... and in applying what I'm reading.  The "Fall" section that I am in the middle of the book has really rocked.  Ask me at some point about it, I'd love to share a little more (and of course, sell this book shamelessly :) )

Are you a fan?

I'm getting amused by all of the new "fan" pages that are coming up on Facebook nowadays.   Are you?   It's kind of a funny thing... they ( Facebook ) have built this thing out this new thing and it's really started to catch on.  Perhaps you've either seen on the "people you may know" or the news feeds something like this: Bob is a fan of I hate waking up early Bob is a fan of Piedmont Park Bob is a fan of Jesus daily Bob is a fan of Starbucks Bob is a fan of Blue Bell Ice Cream Bob is a fan of 24 Bob is a fan of Not being on fire (this is an actual fan page.. I'm not making this up) and so on... It's kind of funny how we, the Facebook community, can now express our fandom for just about anything, large or small.   What's been interesting to see, especially for me as a marketing guy, is how some brands have picked up on this and are using these pages to communicate with their fans.  I recently became a fan of the "Chick- Fil -A...