Really? Seriously?
I'm posting this because I'm about to ride MARTA in a few hours down to the airport to meet my crew of peeps going to Estonia. When I heard about what they are planning to do in "these tough economic times," I had to say "really?" So, MARTA is losing money. Not surprising. Nobody really likes riding. Their service stinks. Their rates are, well, okay (not great for waiting around for 20 minutes in a scary train station to catch a train that stalls a good bit of the time). Okay, any good business person that has begged for, and probably received some, government bailout money would probably have an action plan to fix the revenue shortfall: so this is what they're going to do... 1. Raise rates, and 2. Cut service So, by raising rates, less people are going to ride because you're automatically reducing demand for your service when you raise prices (it's...