Some of the coolest things that happened to me this week (so far)

Thought I'd share :)

1.)  Today, in a meeting with one of our directors at my company, I was in the middle of scheduling some meetings with his team, and mentioned that I would be on vacation the week after next.  After moving doing some schedule adjusting to make sure I could support them well, he asked me where I was going.   I mentioned that I was going to Estonia (Yay!)... and of course he asked where that was... and asked what I was doing there.  I then mentioned that I was going on a mission trip working with college students, to which he said something (along the lines of) "Cool.  I went on a trip to Haiti last summer.  It was great."  That was awesome.

2.)  My last Upstreet worship singing gig of the "school year" was really amazing.  We lost our fearless leader to ACL surgery, and the team on stage really jelled and each engaged with the kids in large group.  We sang some really great (and high energy) songs... and I even got a solo :-).  I love singing, and I especially love to sing about how great Jesus is.

3.) I made my support goal for Estonia!  :-)  Thank you, thank you, thank you to all of you that have supported me!  You guys rock.  I cannot tell you how excited I am to be going back there and working with Risttee once again.  I was thinking about this the other day and just overwhelmed with how God has blown me away with how He has worked through and in my life through working with these guys.  It is truly amazing. 

Yeah... my life rocks :-)  I love it... no lie.  


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