
My breakfast, like a lot of areas of my life, are fairly routine until I decide to switch up the routine and do something else.  Then, I find a new routine.  My latest breakfast routine has been to have a cup of Yoplait nonfat yogurt in the morning with my coffee and God's word.  

I don't know if I'm ready to give that routine up quite yet.  Yoplait has been good to me... got on this kick from traveling for work because the yogurt cups are just about the ONLY healthy thing available at the hotel breakfast area.  That, and probably Bob from The Biggest Loser was pretty good at hawking it during the show (but it does taste really good).  But alas, I opened up my fridge to find that the supplies have diminished, 3 days before I leave the country.  So, prematurely, I looked at my other options:

- the Trader Joe's organic cranberry oatmeal
- the egg white omelet.  

These are my other two breakfast routine foods.  Time was short so the omelet was out so I went for the oatmeal.  I'm usually healthy in the mornings and with my goal weight in sight, I want to keep on track.  I can't lie... that cranberry oatmeal is pretty good and I feel good now having done that for my breakfast instead.   

But, I was really looking forward to the Yoplait.  Grrrr...  

Maybe I'll get on the oatmeal kick for a while now...  It's good for your heart, so no worries there.  We'll see.  


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