*ahem* Bail me out...

Oh, those wacky Big-Three Car Executives. 

So, they start out riding in their private jets to go ask Congress for a $25 billion bailout.  They are criticized for coming to DC so lavishly and having no plan so they are told to go get a plan.

So... this week, they DRIVE to DC in "green" hybrid vehicles (a good thing to do if you're trying to sway a bunch of liberal legislators, I would think).  And their plan is...

They want MORE money... LOL :-P

GM and Chrysler both didn't come up with any plan other than... bail us out or we take the economy with us.  Now, they've raised their demands from $25 billion to $34 billion.  

Ford actually had a plan... wasn't too bad.  They wanted a lifeline but admitted they may not need it.  

By the way, to GM and Chrysler... I'd probably want to see your business plan too before loaning you a bunch of cash that I'm pretty sure you're not going to pay back.  Giving a speech that is akin to holding my financial future hostage is probably not a way to win friends and influence people.  Of course, it may work on Democratic congresspeople worried about keeping their Union vote happy (and employed).  So, we'll see.

You know, if GM and Chrysler would actually turn out decent products (other than high-end SUVs and trucks) that still functioned after 60,000 miles, they may not have seen the market share and profitability declines be as steep as they are now.  I know that there are other factors, but product quality is a big issue (btw - for a funny satire, check out the SNL skit on the "CSPAN bailout hearings" - you should be able to Google it).  

This whole $700B bailout thing that was passed earlier has opened a can of worms now... every CEO with a friend or lobbyist in Washington whose business is in trouble is going to DC for a handout, which begs the question now...

"Where's my bailout?" 

Seriously... have you seen my 401K?  :-P


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