How to completely (mess) up an industry

For all of us conservatives complaining about the country going to hell (socialism) in a handbasket with Obama coming into office, I've got news for you...

George W. Bush is doing a pretty good job at getting us there on his own. Next up: the U.S. Big Three car manufacturers.

Dick Morris was on H&C last night talking about this, especially with the revelation that the proposed auto bailout package... and that it is estimated with the bank bailouts and the car bailouts (resulting in the US government taking ownership stakes in these companies) that the government may represent over 50% of the US economy by the end of the BUSH administration. Yes, that's right... Bush... the "conservative" President Bush.

So, the latest proposal on the domestic auto bailout is for a $15 billion bailout, with lots of strings attached (including the resignation of the CEO of GM, not sure who else was on the chopping block), a 20% ownership stake in the auto companies, and the appointment of a "Car Czar" by President Bush.

Here is the article: WSJ Online Article on the proposed government takeover

Seriously, do we WANT the US Government running the auto industry? Let's put it another way, do you want an organization that is losing $455 billion this year and projecting to lose $1 TRILLION next year under the new CEO (President Obama) to come up with a plan to make the auto companies profitable?


I don't know, but I think I'd trust the current management (the Big 3 CEOs) more than the proposed incoming management (and that's saying a lot).

I mean, that kind of plan is equivalent to a guy that's 80 pounds overweight and at risk of diabetes seeking advice from Ralphie May on diet & nutrition. It just seems (at least to logical people like me) a little counter intuitive.

Nancy Pelosi, the Chairwoman of the House, equated this plan to "giving the auto companies a haircut" with the CEOs getting "the biggest haircut of them all" (or something like that). I don't know, but with the above facts, I'm not sure if I trust this congressional barbershop to give these companies a decent haircut... I'm thinking of the Barber Episode of Seinfeld in which Jerry got this haircut at the hands of his less than adequate barber...

Hmmmm... that may be a GOOD haircut compared to the one that Pelosi is going to give our cars...

Perhaps I can provide a better analogy...

Please feel free to contribute to a "recipe for (mess)ing up an industry" with your comments... I'd love to hear from you.


Unknown said…
The Bush administration has expanded the federal debt from 5 trillion to 10 trillion in 8 years. Additionally, this administration has expanded the government through overpaid contractors. The ironic thing is that many Republicans who voted in the 2008 election believed that the Republican party was about less government and more fiscal responsibility.
Chris said…
If the Republican party does not START being about less government, then it is going go out of existence real quick... What we have had for 8 years under Bush was:

Low Taxes + Bigger Government = Bigger Deficits

With Democrats, the only difference is:
High Taxes + MUCH bigger government = Deficits dependent on how much they can get away with taxing us.

The NEW Republicans better start talking and acting on smaller government... because no one else (including the old Repubs in the White House) is doing that at all.

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