Things I am thankful for

In the spirit of the season, I wanted to take some time to remember the things that I am thankful for... which is something we should do when everything that we see on the news and shouting at us from culture is bad news and gloom and doom.  

What I am thankful for:
1.  That God has always taken care of my needs and has never let me down.
2.  I grew up in a family where my parents are committed to one another and continue to today.
3.  I have been given the intellect, creativity, and go-getitness (is that a word) to achieve what I've had the privelege of achieving today.
4.  Jesus went to the cross for me so that I can live with Him forever, and then reached out to me so that I can know him personally.
5.  Great friends
6.  To have been able to see much of the country and experience cultures other than my own.
7.  For the ministry that God has given me at Buckhead Church
8.  For God's teaching me and strengthening my faith through trials... that trials have not been wasted but are accomplishing their purpose of conforming me to be like Christ.
9.   For living in Texas and going to a great University in Texas A&M
10. For the great health I've been given and the ability to exercise and keep in shape.

That's enough for now... I may continue later :-)


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