
I think it's amazing how political discussion in America is almost at the same caliber (and quality) as SEC fans rooting for their favorite teams.  It's been less than 100 days since Barak Obama has been in the White House, and the country is already divided either against or for him...  and same as Bush.  It's almost as if the Democratic Party is the University of Alabama and the Republican Party is Auburn.  Almost as little rationality associated with it (my Bama and Auburn friends may disagree ;0) ), but it's entertaining to watch and easy to get sucked into.  

I have to admit... it's hard to be 100% informed with almost all (if not all) news being biased one way or the other.  I can't really even name one... perhaps Lou Dobbs at CNN or Bill O'Reilly at FoxNews, but that's about it.  We all have busy lives or we just gravitate to our point of view and the bias in our sources just feeds this.  

Personally, I have no real problem with Barak as a man.  He's trying to lead as he believes is best.  So did Bush.  Personally, I'd be happier with him if he'd:

  • Stop having cocktail parties with countries and dictators that hate us.
  • Stop dissing America when he goes out on foreign relations trips.
  • "Get" that taxing the crap out of people that create wealth and donate to charities that help people is not a good idea.
  • Stop spending money as if he was a 16 year old girl that just got dropped at Lenox/Phipps with her rich dad's credit card.  

That's all.  

Hopefully the Libs are tired enough of the Conservative rant that they may think about all of the crap they said about Bush for the last 8 years.  Seriously.


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