The Ultimate in Blackberry Addiction

You will not believe this... 

Tonight, I got a chance to go to the Atlanta Thrashers game (free tickets... Yay!).  Great game (except we lost) and a couple of good fights.  It was a very enjoyable time.  And I got a funny story to tell.

There were a couple of hilarious bouts with the "kiss cam" tonight at the game.  The first was of a guy and girl getting paired together... but they didn't get the guy that the girl came with.  So the guy in the camera chugs half of his beer and then lays a wet one on the plastic beer cup.  

The second... and this was a legit couple... was with this guy that was completely oblivious to the whole thing because he was texting on his Blackberry.  His (wife, girlfriend, random attractive date) saw that they were on the "kiss cam" and started nudging him.  And he didn't budge!!!!  He just... kept... on... texting!!!!  So she gets adamant and starts pulling his arm to get the Crackberry away from him, he gets mad, and eventually the Blackberry flies out of his hand and they get into a heated argument in front of the... that's right, the "kiss cam."  Fortunately, the guy got his due because they start throwing all kinds of stuff at him for choosing to text over kissing his date... wild huh.  

That may be how you can know you're addicted ;-)


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